
Mobilize volunteers to design, adapt, modify, create, and donate no-tech/low-tech assistive tools and materials for individuals with disabilities.


Maximize the collective knowledge and talent of the community to support the participation of individuals with disabilities in everyday life activities through the use of assistive tools.


Address the issue of access to no-tech/low-tech assistive tools for individuals with disabilities and/or developmental delays.

inspirATion stATion

Click above or on the “All Solutions” below and search for simple AT solutions by

  • Activity or Routine
  • Developemntal Stage
  • Functional Skill
  • Media Type
An adapted screwdriver uses InstaMorph to make the handle easier to grip.
An example of a child using a barrel seat.

Solution: Barrel Seat

You make a small barrel seat quite easily from a 5 gallon plastic pail to support a child while sitting on the floor.

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