Held at the Lab Preschool, Newark, DE
6 Makers
2 Solutions
Biggie-size iLeans | Fine motor manipulative board
Held at the fabricATe headquarters, Newark, DE
7 Makers
1 Solution Brainstorming Lab
fine motor manipulative board
Held at the Lab Preschool, Newark, DE
8 Makers
3 Solutions
A focus on accessible communication tools
Held at a local Community Center, Newark, DE
5 Makers
35 Solutions
Refining the design of young adult garment protectors | iLeans
Held at BAYADA Pediatrics, New Castle, DE, snacks included!
7 Makers
11 Solutions
Adult garment protector – snap on and Velcro options | Instant pick-up stick | Built-up toothbrush
Held at the STAR Campus, Newark, DE
8 Makers
6 Solutions
Adult garment protector | Prototype adapted art easel | Prototype tray extender
Held at the Center for Disabilities Studies, Newark, DE
15 Makers
3 Solutions
Adapted Easel | Prototype adult garment protector | Transportable Vision Station
Held at the a local Community Center, Newark, DE
7 Makers
5 Solutions
Adult garment protectors of various customized design
Held at a local school, Newark, DE
6 Makers
5 Solutions
adult garment protector—-adapted puzzle—–modified tri-pod+lockline iPad stand

Held at the Center for Disabilities Studies, Newark, DE
12 Makers
41 Solutions
Transformation – from Instamorph to a Functional Device
Held at the Lab Preschool, Newark, DE